
The company ANALAB E.P.E. was founded in 1999.
The Company’s activity is related to the field of Chemical Laboratory equipment with scientific instruments and environmental pollution control devices, quality control devices, workplace control devices, equipment of research structures for in vivo and in vitro tests as well as the handling of radioactive isotopes for research purposes.
KYBOS OFFICE SUPPLIES IKE has been active in the office supplies market since 1974.
Since then we have been in constant search of quality and value for money products importing and distributing nationwide more than 50000 codes of the most famous brands in our industry.
Our goal is to distribute quality products to businesses and consumers at the most competitive market prices. Today our company consists of 4 physical wholesale and retail stores and 3 online stores. Our purpose through our website e-kybos.gr is for you to have a pleasant shopping experience, easily and safely.
Gefsinus is one of the largest companies, specializing in systematic dinning in Greece.
It covers the catering needs of industrial units, service-providing companies,
hospitals, military installations, educational institutions and other places
where mass catering needs exist.