About the Course

Theoretical part of the Course – Online Lectures – 7 of April to 20 of May 2025
Practical part of the Course – On Campus Courses – 26 to 30 of May 2025

The Department of Biology at the University of Crete and the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (FORTH, Hellas) in contribution with experts from the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, University of Eastern Finland and Radboud University Nijmegen are organizing an international course in the care and use of laboratory animals.

The course through modern pedagogical and didactical approaches will offer to the participants a thorough understanding of the philosophical concepts and scientific principles in animal welfare and practical skills to conduct research with the use of laboratory animals (mice, rats & zebrafish).





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Learning outcomes






Scientific Committee



Organizing Committee





Accredited Course







The official language of the course is English.

  • Identify ethical issues in human-animal interaction.
  • Describe the requirements of European legislation concerning scientific use of animals.
  • Understand the basic biology, describe the normal behavior and recognize signs of pain, suffering, and distress of laboratory animals.
  • Demonstrate practical skills in important methods and techniques.
  • Perform humane use and care of laboratory animals.
  • Gain knowledge and insight into the design of animal experiments, and
  • Conduct quality and ethically justified research

Prof. Michalis Pavlidis, University of Crete
Dr. Nikolaos Kostomitsopoulos, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens
Prof. George Garinis, UoC and Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, FORTH

Prof. Michalis Pavlidis, Coordinator University of Crete (UoC)

Prof. George Garinis, department of Biology, UoC & Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Forth

Dr. Eleftheria Fanouraki, department of Biology, UoC

Dr. Theodoros Kosteas, co-head of core facilities Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Forth

Dr. Niki Mastrodimou, School of Medicine, UoC

The contents of the course are in line with the requirements of the new European Directive 2010/63/EU (covering functions A-carrying out procedures of animals, B-designing procedures and projects, C-taking care of animals, D-killing animals) and the recommendations of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA).
FELASA ID: F051/15

Successful participants will be awarded a certificate, now a requirement according to the revised European Directive, which demonstrates competence in working with laboratory animals for research purposes (FELASA accreditation).

The Fee for this course is of 650,00 EUR including laboratory materials, coffee-breaks, lunches.
This amount shall be paid to the bank account of the Special Account of the University of Crete. The Special Account of the University of Crete will issue a receipt with the data of the participant.

Accommodation will be provided on request.

Course participants have the opportunity to book accommodation in low rooms/apartments  located on the exquisite sandy beach of Ammoudara, close to Heraklion. Ammoudara is today a suburb of Heraklion, with thousands of visitors every year, mainly because of the vast beach.

Heraclion City
Knossos Palace
Explore Crete
Ctera Aquarium
Biology Department
International Relations D.
Pavlidis Lab
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